Marítim is a club with a tradition of great sailors and the cruise section is one of the most active and dynamic. Veterans and beginners share the experience of sailing, learning and improving to always go further.

Cruise competitions
The Royal Maritime Club organizes and hosts regattas of national and international prestige. We are one of the clubs with the most sailing boats, and one of the most experienced mariners in the country, which makes it possible to organize, among others:
- Trofeu de Reis
- 4Clubs RCNB
- Interclubs Zona Centre
- 4 Clubs CVB
- 4 Clubs CMPO
- Costanera 1 - Agustí Gomez Rahola
- 48 hores del Maritim
- Trofeu Bon Temps
- Sortida Lluna Plena
- Trofeu Solstici
- Sortida Lluna Plena
- Duo Max
- Costanera 2 - Trofeu Agustí Gomez Rahola
- Trofeu La Mercé - 4clubs - Veles per l'Alzheimer
- Maritime Height Regatta - Soller
- Castanyada
- Santiago Amat Regatta
- Regata Inversa
Community of Sailors
El Marítim is a club with a tradition of great sailors.
Transmundista Navigators
- Julio Villar: Pioneer circling the world alone with the Mistral, a 6m sailboat, in 1969. Book ¡EH Petrel!
- Jordi Riera: Greenland, Patagonia with the sailboat Ino and Gaia.
- Avel·li Bassols: Around the world with the Trotamar III . Books: Andorra between trade winds and typhoons , Tricks and pleasures of the transmundista
- Carlos Barbosa “Guacho”: Trip with the Mitaka to Greenland at 86, Barcelona-Montevideo-Cape Town-Barcelona with the Mistral del Julio Villar. Currently crossing seas with Newfoundland 3
- Serafin: back to the world
- Eduardo Rejduch with the Churrua: book Hasta donde me lleve el viento
- Marian Pascual and Francesc Santanach: around the world with the Badoc

Transoceanic regattas
- Joan Guiu and Victor Sagi: OSTAR transatlantic solo. Initiators of solitaire in our house.
- Antoni Guiu, Jordi Brufau, Joan Vila: Participation in the “Whitbread Round the World Race” with Licor 43 and the Fortuna
- Jaume Mumbrú: Mini Transat and Barcelona Wold Race
- Guillem Altadill: “Whitbread Round the World Race” with the Galicia-Pescanova, Barcelona Wold Race
- Cali Sanmarti, Barcelona Wold Race
- Anna Corbella, first Spanish woman in the Mini Transat, 2 Barcelona Wold Race
- JC Petit with the WhiteShadow currently preparing for the 2023 Ocean Globe Race
Do you want to race? Club, coastal, high? Do you want to take a cruise? Nearby, in the Balearic Islands, in the Mediterranean ?. Do you want to cross the Atlantic or go around the world? Our club members have done, are preparing and participating in these projects. Do you join?
Friends links
At Maritim we are proud of our friends
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