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We are from the sea, we are from Marítim

Welcome - Benvinguts - Benvenidos - Bienvenue

Rowing with Marítim

Rowing is one of the most complete sports where all muscle groups work, it has no impact on the joints, improves coordination and is suitable for any age.

Sail with Marítim

Year-round regattas and a large community of sailors

Learn with Marítim

Courses and activities for everyone, with the aim of showing this sport and enjoying the sea of Barcelona

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Reial Club Marítim of Barcelona

Marítim is a club proud of its maritime and inclusive origins that wants to connect culture and sea sports with people and the city.

Ubicació: Barcelona País: Spain
28.32°C Sensació tèrmica: 29.81°C
Velocitat del vent: 3.6m/s Direcció del vent: 240deg

Spotlight activities



Everything you could possibly need. We are a nautical and sports club that cares about offering members what they need to feel comfortable at any time.

Maritime Moorings
Maritim des de el Moll de la Fusta


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We process the information you provide to us in order to provide the requested services. The data provided will be kept until the interested party requests the deletion of their data. The data will not be passed on to third parties unless there is a legal obligation. In accordance with current regulations, you have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer needed.